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韩国蔚山国家科学与技术研究院特聘教授Rodney S. Ruoff受邀访问登录云顶集团



      4月10日下午,受孟鸿教授邀请,韩国蔚山国家科学与技术研究院(UNIST)特聘教授Rodney S. Ruoff访问登录云顶集团。Ruoff教授是石墨烯研究领域的领军科学家,现任UNIST多维碳材料中心主任。在加入UNIST之前,他曾任美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校机械工程系材料科学与工程教授。Ruoff教授在国际知名期刊上发表论文460多篇,文章被引用量超过90000次(H因子117)。Ruoff教授一行在徐秀茹博士陪同下参观了实验室并与学生亲切地交流、合影。

      On the afternoon of April 10th, at the invitation of Professor Hong Meng, UNIST Distinguished Professor Rodney S. Ruoff visited School of Advanced Materials, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School. Rodney S. Ruoff is a world-leading pioneer in grapheme-based materials. At present he is director of the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM), an IBS center located at UNIST. Prior to joining UNIST, he was the Cockrell Family Regents Endowed Chair Professor at the University of Texas at Austin from September, 2007. He has co-authored about 460 peer-reviewed publications related to chemistry, physics, materials science, mechanics, and biomedical science, with citations more than 90000 and he has an H-Index of 117. Accompanied by Dr. Xiuru Xu, Prof. Ruoff visited the laboratory and kindly talked with students.    






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