




Conducting polymers were discovered in 1970s. Recent progress in conducting polymers demonstrated their important applications, such as the next-generation transparent electrode and thermoelectric materials. Optoelectronic devices require at least one electrode to be transparent. Indium tin oxide (ITO) is traditionally used as the transparent electrode of optoelectronic devices. But ITO has problems of scarce indium on earth and poor mechanical flexibility. Conducting polymers, carbon nanotubes, graphene and metal wire grids have been proposed to be the transparent electrode materials. Among them, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) is promising to be the next-generation transparent electrode material due to its solution processability, low cost and high transparency in visible range. However, the as-prepared PEDOT:PSS film obtained from PEDOT:PSS aqueous solution usually has conductivity below 1 S cm-1, remarkably lower than ITO. Here, I will present several novel methods to significantly enhance the conductivity of PEDOT:PSS. The conductivity can be enhanced to be more than 3000 S cm-1, which is higher than that of ITO on plastic and comparable to ITO on glass. I will also present some of our recent works in developing polymers with high thermoelectric properties. Thermoelectric polymers can be used for heat harvesting and cooling.



   欧阳建勇 教授,于清华大学化学系、中国科学院化学所和日本分子科学研究所获得学士、硕士和博士学位。然后在日本北陆先端科学技术大学院大学作助理教授和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校作博士后。2006年加入新加坡国立大学材料与科学工程学院,研究方向为有机电子、存储器件、纳米材料等方面的研究,在Nature Materials、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、Nano Letters等学术刊物上发表论文170余篇。多篇研究成果被MIT Technology Reviews、world journal、azonano.com、Nanotechweb、Journal of Materials Chemistry等报道或评为年度亮点文章。

    他的主要研究成果包括发明了世界上第一个高分子/纳米颗粒存储器和多次刷新可加工导电高分子电导和热电性能的世界记录。获得IUPAC的Distinguished Award for Novel Materials and Their Synthesis,  NUS Young Investigator Award, 北京科学技术奖一等奖, 日中科学技术交流协会天田科学技术奖励奖 和中国科学院院长奖学金特别奖。


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