
A Solid-State Effect Responsible for an Organic Quintet State and Self-doping Ph



      郑永豪教授入选中组部第十二批国家青年千人计划,A类资助。2004-2011年就读于英国杜伦大学,并获得博士学位(本硕博连读)。随后5年以博士后身份分别在美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校(Prof. Fred Wudl)和美国莱斯大学(Prof. James Tour)开展研究工作。郑永豪教授主要从事有机共轭材料的设计与合成,从而研制新型的光电器件。在基于有机发光材料 (Organic light emitting materials)、稳定自由基(Stable radicals)、高分子单晶 (Single crystal polymer) 及石墨烯纳米材料 的研究领域内,研制出一系列新型材料及揭示了相关的发光、电子传输、 近红外探测等新特性。在Science, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Journal of the American Chemical Society等一系列国际权威期刊发表论文30余篇。2017年加入电子科技大学光电科学与工程学院并组建了前沿材料探索实验室。


      Organic radicals are fundamentally interesting due to rich science in physics and chemistry. Obtaining high-spin-state organic solids at ambient conditions has been the goal of organic materials scientists, chemists, and physicists because they would enable, not only a fundamental understanding of the nature of spin–spin correlations, but also provide a wide range of advanced applications, quantum information processing systems, and organic spintronics. In this report, a stable organic diradicaloid with an intermolecular quintet state at room temperature as a polycrystalline solid is found. Very excitingly, the diradicaloids with stable coexisting close-shell and open‐shell forms exhibit unconventional self‐doping behavior in the solid‐state electronic devices that is temperature (T) tunable and reversible. The doping is strengthened by the increased T, leading to the absence of off‐states (Ioff) in the organic transistors.


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