



讲座题目: 人造电子皮肤及应用前景

主讲人:  鲍哲南,美国斯坦福大学教授、美国工程院院士

讲座时间: 2018-09-09(周日)上午10:00-12:00

讲座地点: 深圳大学城图书馆四楼413报告厅



About the talk

Skin is the body’s largest organ, and is responsible for the transduction of a vast amount of information. This conformable, stretchable, self-healable and biodegradable material simultaneously collects signals from external stimuli that translate into information such as pressure, pain, and temperature. The development of electronic materials, inspired by the complexity of this organ is a tremendous, unrealized materials challenge. However, the advent of organic-based electronic materials may offer a potential solution to this longstanding problem. In this talk, I will describe the design of organic electronic materials to mimic skin functions. These new materials enabled new functions in medical devices, robotics and new manufacturing methods through the use of self-healing materials. 


  鲍哲南教授,1995年于芝加哥大学获得化学博士学位,随后进入朗讯科技公司贝尔实验室(获杰出研究员称号),2004年进入斯坦福大学化学系任教。2011年入选全球顶尖材料学家名人堂榜单,同年获得影响世界华人大奖,2015年当选《自然》杂志年度十大人物,2016年当选美国工程院院士,2017年获得联合国教科文组织女科学家奖。鲍教授一直致力于化学、材料科学、能源、纳米电子学和分子电子学等领域的研究,涉及能源、有机和高分子半导体材料、传感材料和分子电子器件、纳米电子学等。发表研究论文400多篇,专利60余项,Google Scholar H-Index >110。鲍教授提出的一系列有机电子材料设计理念,对柔性电子线路和柔性显示屏的发展有巨大的推动作用。

About the lecturer

Professor Bao zhenan received her Ph.D. degree in chemistry from The University of Chicago in 1995. Prior to joining Stanford as a Professor of Chemical Engineering in 2004, she was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies from 1995-2004.She has won World's Top Materials Scholars' Hall of Fame Award of 2011, You Bring Charm to the World Award of 2011, Nature’s Ten of 2015, L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science awards of 2017 and has been an NAE member since 2016.She has over 400 refereed publications and over 60 US patents with a Google Scholar H-Index >110. She pioneered a number of design concepts for organic electronic materials. Her work has enabled flexible electronic circuits and displays.


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