



讲座(一)Tittle: Understanding and Manipulating Thermal Transport in Polymers
报告人: Tengfei Luo, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame
Polymers, usually known as thermal insulators, can have amazing thermal transport properties depending on their morphology. In this talk, we will discuss a series of atomistic simulations of thermal transport in polymers. We will first discuss how polyethylene molecules can be re-formed into highly aligned forest through self-assembling to conduct heat across two solid substrates efficiently. The results show the promise of polyethylene in thermal interface material applications and implies the strategy of reforming polymers into thermal conductors. We will then discuss the results on Polydimethylsiloxane  (PDMS) – the most widely used thermal interface polymer. The restuls suggest a strong correlation between the molecular morphology and thermal transport properties. Lastly, we will discuss our findings on the morphology-thermal conductivity dependency in polyethylene fibers, and show how we can utilize such a correlation to manipulate thermal conductivity through temperature, strain and their combination. 
Short Bio:
Tengfei Luo obtained his B.S. in Energy and Power Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong University. He completed his Ph.D. at Michigan State University in 2009 and was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT (2009-2011). He joined the University of Notre Dame faculty as an assistant professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering in 2012, with an affiliation with the Center of Sustainable Energy at Notre Dame. Dr. Luo’s research area is in energy, with a focus on nanoscale thermal and mass transport and atomistic modeling. He directs the Molecular-level Energy and Mass Transport (MEMT) lab in the department of aerospace and mechanical engineering at Notre Dame. Of special interest to his group are thermal transport across material interfaces, first-principle characterization of phonon transport, and pump-probe measurement of thermal conductivity and interfacial thermal conductance. He is a coworker in a novel water desalination technology called Directional Solvent Extraction. This technology was selected as one of the top ten world-change ideas by Scientific America. His group is combing computation and experiments to optimize the desalination process. He has also coauthored “Handbook of Molecular Dynamics Potential Functions” published by Begell House. 
讲座(二)钙化软骨(Tessellated Cartilage)材料的性能仿真和表征
报告人:刘晓熹 美国加州大学
Much of the skeleton of sharks, skate and rays (Elasmobranchii) is characterized by a tessellated structure, composed of a shell of small, mineralized plates (tesserae) joined by intertesseral ligaments overlaying a soft cartilage core. Although tessellated cartilage is a defining feature of this group, the significance of this skeletal tissue type — particularly from a mechanical perspective — is unknown.
In present work, a cross-sectional model was developed and validated to analyze the function of intertesseral joints in regulating the stress distribution within tessellated cartilage during bending. More dynamic mechanics of tessellated cartilage were investigated through stress relaxation test and percussion test and analyzed via constitutive models. The results indicate that tessellated structure provides possible advantages including increasing the resistance to fatigue damage, mitigating the risk of tearing under excessive bending loads, improving dynamic stiffness and reducing the risk of failure under impact in certain loading direction. Our study demonstrates a novel structure in manufacturing biomimetic materials with improved strength, durability and stability.
Portable Leave-in-Place Laser Scanning for Fatigue Damage Monitoring
A compact leave-in-place laser-scanning device for the detection and monitoring of fatigue damage precursors has been developed. The current device is shown to be capable of detecting fatigue-related changes in the surface bidirectional reflectance distribution (BRDF) of aluminum test samples, and detectable changes in BRDF are measured at a very early stage of fatigue development. The system power requirements are compatible with standard sensor mote architectures that are targeted for multiyear lifetimes without battery replacement.
Short Bio:
Xiaoxi Liu (刘晓熹), PhD
Research Specialist
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
University of California, Irvine
报告人:吴宇平 教授
(1) 研发出了新型高比容量负极材料及规模化制备技术,即聚丙烯腈低温热解复合法制备纳米合金负极材料和原位碳热还原法制备球状微纳包埋合金负极材料;
(2) 研发出系列聚合物基高稳定性电解质,提出了相转移法制备凝胶聚合物电解质的新技术,设计并合成出星形及梳状聚合物电解制添加剂;
(3) 研发出了氧化物正极材料的安全性改性技术,通过吸附反应技术实现了纳米非晶层对氧化物颗粒的完整包覆,克服了现有颗粒堆积包覆技术对材料性能造成的影响;
(4) 研发出了高安全性、长寿命锂离子电池技术体系,集成课题组及国际上在材料、电池结构、电池管理等方面的创新成果,攻克了大型安全性动力电池制备及应用的关键难题;
(5) 设计提出新型硫基电池结构,通过研发预锂化技术,回避金属锂负极的使用,解决了现有锂硫电池电性能差及安全性能的巨大缺陷;
(6) 在国际上率先提出以低成本的红磷为储锂负极材料、并开展了无机/高分子杂化硫基储锂正极材料的研究,研究结果发表在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(IF=13.4)等领域一级刊物上, 6项发明专利已获授权;
(7) 研发出高性能磷酸铁锂可规模化制备技术,实现了纳米片自组装高密度球形磷酸铁锂的可控制备,提出了纳米片状及多级结构磷酸铁锂的制备技术及工艺,产品电化学性能优异,研究结果发表于Nano Lett.(IF=13.2),已申报多项发明专利。


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