
Driving More Electrical Transport



Title :  Driving More Electrical Transport

Speaker :  Professor Chris Gerada
Date: Thursday, November 6, 2014
Time: 10:00-11:30
Venue:  C301
Brief description :
The presentation will first describe the motivation of going towards more electrical transportation and its impact of reduced emissions. The key drive technology enablers will be discussed as well as the key challenges preventing wide-spread adoption of electrical transportation. Key research projects being undertaken by the power electronics, machines and drives reaserch group will then be outlined and described. These will include projects on electrical vehicle traction, more electric aircraft and enrgy recovery from exhaust gases.
Chris Gerada
Professor of Electrical Machines, Royal Academy of Engineering/Cummins Chair of Electrical Machines, Faculty of Engineering
Chris Gerada obtained his PhD in High Performance Electrical Machines at the University of Nottingham in 2005. After this he was appointed as a postdoctoral researcher at the university, until 2008 when he secured a Lectureship in Electrical Machines following which he was subsequently promoted to Associate Professor in 2011 and Professor in 2013. His principal research interest lies in electromagnetic energy conversion in electrical machines and drives, focusing mainly on moreelectric transport and distributed energy generation. He has secured major industrial, European and UK grants, authored more than 100 papers and has been awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Senior Research Fellowship to consolidate research in the field. He is an associate editor of the IEEE IAS Journal and executive member of the UK Magnetic Society Management committee. He is also vice chair of the electrical Machines Committee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Expertise Summary
Aerospace actuation, Electrical machine design and modeling, Variable speed drives.


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