
Printed Electronics- Fantasy, Hype or Innovation and Opportunies



Title:  Printed Electronics – Fantasy, Hype or Innovation and Opportunities
Speaker:  Prof. Beng Ong
Date :   Friday, October31, 2014
Time:  14:00-16:00
Venue:  C102

Abstract: The interest in printed electronics has exploded over the last decade owing to the

opportunities it offers for creating novel impactful large‐area, lightweight, flexible, and ultra‐low‐cost electronics. To realize this technology vision, manufacture of semiconductor devices by high‐speed printing, instead of traditional photolithographic processes, would be paramount. Printed electronics is innovative, potentially very low‐cost, and is an eco‐friendlier manufacturing approach to a wide spectrum of next‐generation electronics including those with inspiring architectural design. Foremost among the critical enablers to propel this paradigm shift in manufacturing is a functionally‐capable materials suite of compatible semiconductor, conductor and dielectric materials for fabricating performancefulfilling transistors – the fundamental building blocks of modern microelectronics.This presentation discusses the issues, challenges, and advances in materials development for printed electronics over the last decade and the outlook for this emerging technology moving forward. Particular emphasis will be devoted to advances in polymer semiconductor design with the field‐effect mobility progressing from gross performance deficiencies a decade ago to exceeding application requirements today, together with excellent shelf‐life and operational stability characteristics. It aims to shed light on whether this emerging technology is all fantasy and hype or innovation and opportunities of impactful commercial value for our times.
Prof. Beng Ong is presently the Director of Research Centre of Excellence for Organic Electronics, Deputy Director of Institute of Creativity, and Chair Professor in Materials Science at Hong Kong Baptist University. He was formerly the Director in Executive Director Office at Institute of Materials Research & Engineering (IMRE) and Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) as well as a Nanyang Professor at Nanyang Technological University and Programme Director for Polymer and Molecular Electronics and Devices at Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore. Prior to his relocation from North America to Asia in 2007, Professor Ong was a Senior Fellow and 21st‐Century Materials Strategist at Xerox Corporation, USA and an Area Manager at Xerox Research Centre of Canada. Over the years, he has also held various academic positions including an Honorary Professorship at Shanghai East China University of Science and Technology and adjunct professorships at Shanghai JiaoTong University, and McMaster University and University of Waterloo in Canada. Prof. Ong has published extensively on advanced materials and processes, and has delivered well over 150 invited talks including plenary, keynote and distinguished lectures over the last decade. He has over 11,000 citations and an H‐index of 58, and currently holds a patent portfolio of 225 US patents and several hundred of foreign patent equivalents in Canada, Europe, and Asia. His honours and recognitions include Scientific American Top‐50 as a Business Leader in Chemicals and Materials, Chester Carlson Inventor Award, Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award, and Xerox Excellence in Management Award as well as international programme awards including American Chemical Society’s Innovation Award, NanoTech‐50’s Nanotechnology Innovation Award and Nanotechnology Commercialization Award, etc.
Prof. Ong received his BSc in Chemistry from Nanyang University in Singapore, PhD in Organic  Chemistry from McGill University in Canada, and did his postdoctoral studies at Harvard  University in the US before joining Xerox.


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