Title: Skin Inspired Electronic Devices using Organic Materials
报告人: Zhenan Bao, Ph.D.
时间:2013年12月13日(本周五) 15:00-16:00
Title: Skin Inspired Electronic Devices using Organic Materials
报告人: Zhenan Bao, Ph.D.
时间:2013年12月13日(本周五) 15:00-16:00
报告人简历: Professor Zhenan Bao was invited to participate in a Google Hangout series - sponsored by the White House - discussing the future of scientific research and engineering in the United States. "We the Geeks" is a series of web discussions bringing together those at the forefront of science and technology in the U.S. and provides a forum for sharing what both the private and public sector is doing to advance scientific inquiry and to foster STEM education.